We Love Baptisms!

What is baptism?
Baptism is a symbol of the gospel, and shows our response to the gospel. It symbolises what God has done for us in washing us clean through Jesus’ death. It is a symbol of being welcomed into God’s family and it is a way to express our response to what God has done for us. It is an outward physical sign of what God has done for us for us on the inside. It’s a fantastic way to show your commitment to Jesus, to your Church family and the world around you!
Does baptism make you a Christian?
No, a Christian is someone who is in right relationship with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Putting our trust in Jesus is how we become a Christian. Baptism is commanded by God (Acts 2:38-29), but only as a symbol of our salvation. If we (or our child) only gets baptised but we don’t trust in Jesus, we will not be saved.
Does Lighthouse Church baptise children?
We believe from the Bible that kids at Lighthouse are important members of our Church. Therefore, since we consider them believers, we encourage parents to be intentional and proactive in consistently sharing the gospel and discipling their children as Christians. We also encourage Christian parents to consider baptism for their children, recognising that bible believing Christians may have varied views on this. If you’d like to read more about baptism and how this understanding is grounded in Scripture, click here.
I’m interested in baptism for myself or my kids:
Great! We’d love to chat with you and answer any questions you may have, including more details regarding what it would involve! We generally do 2-3 baptism services throughout the year. Please get in touch with Jeremy if you are interested in baptism for yourself or your child. Jeremy Kidd: jeremy@lighthouse.net.au
If you are interested in baptism, but also new to investigating Jesus or returning to Church, we’d encourage you to come along to a relaxed series with the opportunity go over the foundations of life with Jesus: