Bible Talks – NEW

As a Church, we believe God speaks through the words of the Bible. Each week at Church, someone explains and applies the Bible in relevant, meaningful ways.

Here are a few sample talks. 

How Come God Doesn’t Stop All The Pain?

Why do Kids Suffer?

What is the Purpose of Life?

Hasn’t science disproved Christianity?

How can I believe in God when Christians and the Church have done so much wrong?

How Do I Know God Exists?

How do I know the Bible’s true?

God Is Sovereign – So We Should Submit To Him : Talk 1

God is Sovereign-So We Should…Talk 2

God’s Sovereignty & Human Responsibility: Talk 3

The Sovereignty of God and Evil – Talk 4

God Is Sovereign In Our Salvation – Talk 5

The Sovereignty of God in Humility, Evangelism, Prayer & Godliness – Talk 6

Talk 1: The Spirit Of God – What Is He Like

Talk 2: The Spirit In The Old Testament

Talk 3: The Spirit And Jesus

Talk 4: The Spirit And Regeneration

Talk 5: The Spirit And The Last Days

Talk 6: The Giving Of The Spirit

Talk 7: Filled By The Spirit

Talk 8: Living By The Spirit

Talk 9: War: Spirit V Sinful Nature


Why didn’t the Bible get rid of slavery?

Talk 1: God and human’s work

Talk 2: God’s plan and all human work

Talk 3: Work of the Lord

Talk 4: Wisdom for work

Talk 1: Worship

Talk 2: The Importance Of Church

Talk 3: The Centrality Of The Word

Talk 4: The Purpose Of Church

Talk 5: The Purpose Of Church

Talk 6: Church And Mission

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